Friendship DayFriendship DayFriends
Friendship Day
Reconnect with your friends this friendship day and break the ice by saying sorry.

Sorry Friend Poems

While in every relationship there is understanding and indulgence, there is also a scope of resentment and annoyance. Two people are not the same in their thinking processes and when it comes to friendship, we often tend to fight with our loved ones and end up in hurting them. Then, disagreements are a common factor and should not hamper the essence of your relationship. Just by saying a five letter word ‘Sorry’, you can break the ice and recommence your friendship once again. Take the initiative to restart and make the bond stronger than what it was, by presenting your friend a heartfelt regret, in the form of a poem. Just present one of these poems while saying ‘I’m sorry’ to your friend and see the difference.

Sorry Poetry for Friendship

Sorry for all the times I have hurt you
Sorry for the times I made you cry
Sorry for the times when I wasn't there for you
I'm sorry for the goodbye.

Sorry for whatever I did wrong
Sorry for not being strong
Sorry for not acknowledging you were right
I'm sorry if it was me who started a fight

Sorry for the times I wasn't true
Sorry for not understanding you
I will apologize till your anger ends
Because I want you back my dear friend.
- Unknown

I'm sorry for being mean,
some people say its just from being a teen.
sorry for calling you this and that,
and being mean when you were up to bat.
sorry for making you cry from all the stress,
I really do think that you guys are the best.
I really mean when I say I’ll change for you,
even though I say that a lot too.
I feel really dumb for being mean to my best friend,
I’ve been mean to you since I was like 10.
I never though I would loose you,
and I just want to say I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart.
- Ash

I'm sorry for taking you forgranted
I'm sorry for not loving you enough
I'm sorry for not being there for you

I'm sorry I cheated
I'm sorry you weren't enough
I'm sorry that I miss you

I'm sorry I miss your touch
I'm sorry I miss you smile
I'm sorry I miss you silly laugh

I'm sorry I couldn't make it work
I'm sorry I didn't even try
I'm sorry I throw our plans away

I'm sorry I wasn't a good wife
I'm sorry I wasn't a good friend
I'm sorry I'm me

I'm sorry I want you back
Because I know I can't expect you to forgive me
But do know this
I love you and I'm sorry
- Amy Archer