Friendship DayFriendship DayFriends
Friendship Day
Best friends are those friends who accept you as you are and remain with you forever. Let's know something about true friends.

Best Friends

Best Friends
"Friends are the persons who walk into your life when everyone walks out". This is a simple and beautiful description of friend. When you make friends, it is one the most important decision that you take in your life, although you don't realize this fact at that moment. You include a person in your life. It is through the slow and gradual development of the relationship that you understand the worth of your decision. The time you spend with the person will tell you whether your selection was right or wrong. The journey of the person from a friend to a best friend or true friend is not an easy one.

The adjective best itself differentiate a friend from best friend. Best means who is extraordinary and above the rest. The most essential element of friendship is to understand the moments of crisis in your friend's life and standing beside him. The essence of true friendship is trust, understanding, loyalty and support. One has to be really compassionate towards his/her friend. People finds themselves blessed if they have a true friend. They are assured companion who will hold you with hands of comfort and give you a shoulder to cry. A true friend is a prized possession and you must value it.

The sweet and sour experiences of life are entirely dependent on the people that are a part of our life. It is they who make our life meaningful or worthless. Most of the relations are associated with us from the time of our birth. The single opportunity that life offers when you can select a companion for yourself is choosing a friend. A person with whom you can share everything who and accompanies you in the thick and thin of your life. A friend is a blessing in disguise. They are gift from God, to support you when you are ransacked or left all alone by everyone else in this world.